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Updated: May 14, 2020

After 6 years of faithful, good service my Canon PixmaPro9000 Mark II finally quit. I ordered another through Amazon; a new one. It took a week to reach me from New Jersey, but it arrived yesterday and this morning I was able to get it running without any trouble at all.

It was a tense week, printer wise, but Wednesday was also my birthday and Hub's family came over with gifts and cupcakes. We all sat 6 feet apart on our patio. It had been a long time since we were able to visit in person. In the evening I was able to Zoom with my family and doing that was a perfect ending to my day.

Since I wasn't able print, I had closed my shop and painted a lot during the week. The rose above was in two of the arrangements that were delivered from Christian & Johnston in Chico. The delphiniums were also taken from an arrangement my daughter had sent. I was concerned the delicate blue wouldn't come through, but today I printed it, photographed it and can now offer it as a listing on Etsy. I was so pleased to open my shop again.

It seems the Good Lord wanted me to take a break and enjoy painting for a week. I'm so happy! I hope you're having a great week too!

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