It will all get better. Everything will be ok. We're telling each other that a lot, aren't we? Sometimes it doesn't seem like it to me. My heart breaks when I look at the numbers around the world of those lost and suffering. We are all worried, and heart broken. Where would we be without our God? Where would I be without Jesus.
We worship with our church online, Facebook live. Our groceries are delivered to our door. Hub and I have our families who look over us and check we're ok. We have each other. We keep on working, living, praying. The sun comes up again every day. Things will get better.
Because I committed to painting the monthly birth flower, here are the daises for the month of April. Here is some scripture I like to think about during this awful time.

(June 7, 2020). This is an add-on to my original post. I'm behind on my birth flowers, and because I have this post tagged as "my process" on my blog, I want to write about the updates I've made on the April birth flower, a Shasta daisy. I haven’t been happy with this painting because the blossoms were painted from a drawing I did about 4 years ago. That drawing had no leaves, only a study focused on the heads of my Shasta daisies growing in pots. I had to wait until they started to bloom this year before I could paint their leaves properly. Once I brought in a bud with leaves, the design was quickly finished. I can only draw and paint well, the things I can see in person. No photo will ever be as helpful as real life.